Amy Brushe


Line with heart


is a

dirty word

Hear me out.

When I fell pregnant with my son, I had no idea what a doula was, what they did, or why anyone would need one.

If I had heard the term in passing, I had locked it away as something that only dirty pro-homebirthing hippies would be interested in (poetically, I now absolutely identify as a dirty pro-homebirthing hippy ✌#YourBirthYourChoice)...

Line with heart


Birth doula package

Continuous support through pregnancy, labour, and birth and a nurtured start to postpartum.


Pregnancy sessions

One-off birth debriefing,

birth mapping, or postpartum planning sessions

Postpartum sessions

One-off birth debriefing,

individualised in-home sessions to mother the mother

Line with heart

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